I Would Totally Watch a 'Mythbusters'/'Breaking Bad' Crossover Episode

Asked by Vulture what show Vince Gilligan — the “Breaking Bad” creator — would want to do a crossover event with, Gilligan responded:

Mythbusters. I’d dig seeing those guys prove or disprove some of the crazy stuff we’ve done on Breaking Bad.

YES. How cool would that be? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman could invite Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul onto the show and conduct experiments on several of the chemical devices that have been utilized on “Breaking Bad.” In particular, here are four experiments they could conduct in the episode:

1) Is Big Blue possible? Can you actually create 99.1% chemically pure crystal methamphetamine?

2) How quickly and completely can you dissolve a body using hydrofluoric acid? Actual bodies preferred.

3) I would like to see them try and experiment in which they purify castor beans into lethal Ricin and see how long it would actually take for someone to die after ingesting ricin? Again, an actual victim would be ideal. Finally;

4) Can you blow up an entire building with a rock of Mercury fulminate, like Walter did in this episode of “Breaking Bad”:

Best episode of “Mythbusters” ever.

(Source: Image and Story via Vulture)