Christina Aguilera Took A Topless Photo To Prove ‘It’s All Real’

It’s been 13 years since the Fall of “Dirrty,” when tweens (or as we used to call them, whippersnappers) everywhere grinded inappropriately at school dances. I’d say the early 2000s was the worst time to be working at a middle school, especially as a chaperone, but no, it’s always the worst time to work at a middle school. Everyone’s so confused, sexually and otherwise, and the “Dirrty” music video didn’t help. What the hell are those pants?!?

Christina Aguilera has intentionally polished her image since then; the follow-up to Stripped was Back to Basics, and she’s become a pop elder stateswoman on The Voice. But, as Xtina proved on Instagram, while you can take the dirrty out of the girl, you can’t the girl out of the dirrty.

Or something.

The caption reads, “Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys… And it’s just the beginning.” When you’re as famous as Aguilera, “real talk” means taking a topless photo in front of your makeup and crystal collection, and sharing it with your one million followers. But she’s being personal with just YOU.