Nick Young Says He Doesn’t Need A ‘Fall Guy’ Because He Has Iggy Azalea

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NFL Hall of Famer Cris Carter had some controversial advice for incoming players at the 2014 Rookie Symposium. And while Los Angeles Lakers wing Nick Young somewhat disagrees with the Minnesota Vikings legend, his justification for that opinion is just a bit different than that of the vast majority.

When asked what he thought of Carter’s remarks about professional athletes needing a “fall guy” for their off-field transgressions, Young told TMZ he “doesn’t have to do that.” Why? His love for fiancée Iggy Azalea serves the same purpose.

I don’t have to do that ’cause I’m strictly… I love my woman. As a rookie coming in you need a fall guy if you don’t have a girlfriend. But as you get older, them lies get the attention up to you. You can’t keep lying, then they won’t like the fall guy, you know?

Who wouldn’t want a little lifestyle advice from Swaggy P?

After all, this is the guy who’s parlayed a middling playing career into some strange and completely unique version of celebrity. And not only is he engaged to one of the most desired women in the music industry, but Young is primed to make $15 million from the Lakers over the next three seasons, too.

Clearly, he’s living the life – and perhaps it’s the perspective Swaggy shows here that’s helped him to do it.

[Via TMZ]