Toby Keith Broke Down On Stage While Honoring A 93-Year-Old ‘True American Hero’

Toby Keith couldn’t hold back his emotions during a recent concert in Charlotte, North Carolina, honoring a man that he considered a “true American hero.” 93-year-old Lt. Col. Harry Frizzell fought for the United States for over thirty years, serving in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He’s earned a bit of praise and Keith brought him on stage for just that, dedicating two of his biggest hits to the veteran according to Radio.Com:

Keith brought a 93-year-old Veteran on stage and began singing, “American Soldier,” which he renamed to “American Warrior,” and then sang “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American).” Keith has invited multiple military families on stage before, but this one really struck a chord with the country superstar.

After performing, Keith gave the microphone to veteran Lt. Col. Harry Frizzell. Frizzell gave a short but powerful speech about the four wars he served in while fans in the audience cheered him on. At the end of his speech, Keith moved over to the side, where he bent over and began crying, causing the crowd to go silent.

The moment should be synced up above, but you can go back to the start to catch the full performance. It’s always odd to see a grown man cry, but it does happen and it is a natural occurrence. And it’s for a good reason despite what many people, including myself, might say about Keith and patriotism any other day of the week.
