The Obvious Choice For What To See This Weekend: ‘No Escape’

This weekend sees three new wide releases. What’s looking good in theaters this weekend?

The Obvious Choice: No Escape: Owen Wilson and Lake Bell attempt to save their children from a Southeast Asian uprising, and their only salvation may be Pierce Brosnan playing his favorite role, Nasty James Bond.

We Are Your Friends: Despite how the phrase “EDM drama” sounds, We Are Your Friends has been pulling favorable comparisons to classics like Saturday Night Fever, at least in the sense that it seems to be a remake of the latter, and a pretty good one.

War Room: Despite the title, this is a domestic melodrama aimed squarely at the Christian market. We feel bad for any documentary fans showing up expecting a re-release of the 1993 classic about Bill Clinton’s campaign.

Z For Zachariah: The adaptation of the beloved cult SF novel, starring Margot Robbie, Chris Pine and Chiwetel Ejiofor, hits on demand and a handful of theaters this weekend. Considering that cast, it’s probably a warning sign that this is going straight to video instead of opening wide.

Memories of the Sword: Also a limited release, but one that combines historic melodrama and hand-to-hand combat.