This Guy Threw On A ‘Power Rangers’ Costume And Miraculously Deadlifted 675 Pounds

This glorious video, which combines both geekdom and beefcake lifestyle, comes courtesy of Silent Mike on Instagram, who donned a Power Rangers costume and developed the instant ability to deadlift like a boss. Look at this dude deadlifting 675 pounds like it ain’t no thing. The feat took place in a gym of some sorts, but it certainly wasn’t Planet Fitness (where deadlifts are prohibited as part of their Judgement Free Zone®).

Did the Power Rangers costume do all the heavy lifting here? Those characters come with a wide range of special abilities (including super speed and telekinesis), and they excel at hand-to-hand combat. Super strength isn’t always an articulated ability but appears to be a given. Why not? This is all make believe, so sure. Super strength at the ready. This guy may not have been able to achieve single-leg Romanian deadlifts with a 10-pound weight until the suit came along.

The suit also arrives with a special celebratory dance after the deadlift of doom. He’s somehow even better at dancing than lifting.

Here’s the preparatory shot a day before the deadlift and dance. Even Power Rangers need to work up to the challenge.

(Via Bleacher Report)