Billy Corgan Is Happy Donald Trump Is ‘F*cking It Up’ For The Political Establishment

Billy Corgan, perpetual skeptic and erstwhile nun, spoke at an August 8 fan Q&A in Cincinnati. This video is nearly a month old, but is beginning to make the rounds, and it’s certainly still relevant. Billy fielded a question about how Donald Trump is shaking things up and continuing to dominate the polls. People were already growing fearful that the guy has a perceivable shot at leading our nation. Surely not, right?

Corgan thinks everything is gonna be okay. He says there’s value in Trump’s madness and how he’s shaking up the political scene. Corgan explains how he sees Trump’s place in the bigger picture. Does Corgan agree with Trump’s views? No way, but he’s still a fan:

“I think what’s cool, and I’m not saying I agree politically, but I think what’s cool is Trump’s running chaos theory. He’s forcing a lot of things out into the open, so they can’t control this, whatever that control is. It’s like the music business, everybody gets controlled, and somebody comes along that f*cks it all up. So I think it’s good that he’s f*cking it up, because whether or not he’s the guy, obviously the political class doesn’t want him there, it’ll open it up to a bigger dialog.”

Corgan goes on to say the Trump phenomenon perfectly illustrates how politics and entertainment are intertwined. And because music and entertainment are intertwined — further following Corgan’s line of thought — Trump is becoming a bizarro rock star. Especially when it comes to the digital age, Corgan makes an astute observation. We’ve never seen a presidential race with so much entertainment value.

Meanwhile, the world cannot get enough of the Corgan nunnery photos. Say what you want about Marilyn Manson, but their recent joint tour left the world with many strong rock n’ roll photos.
(Via Alternative Nation)