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The NFL is back and so are giant bratwursts, apparently. Green Bay Packers fans ate up a 120-yard brat on Sunday for the start of the 2015 season against the Chicago Bears. But this wasn’t a matter of the fine folks of Wisconsin loving sausage (I mean, it was that too). As WIAT reported, the football-field length brat was cooked up for charity. Johnsonville Sausage company had a 360-foot stainless steel grill made for occasion:
The giant brat was an idea cooked up as a way to mark the start of the Packers season and the 100th anniversary of Delaware North, the company that runs concessions at Lambeau Field.
“It started out as sort of a joke of an idea and we kind of challenged Johnsonville for our 100th anniversary to make us a 100-yard brat,” said Heath Barbato, Executive Chef at Lambeau Field.
In all, the event raised about $40,000 for about a half-dozen local charities. Great work by everyone involved, but especially awesome work by Packers fans who managed to literally eat an entire football field’s length worth of meat products. That’s about as America as you can possibly get. And hats off to you, Johnsonville, for envisioning a sausage so long someone had to actually engineer a cooking apparatus that could feed an entire battalion of soldiers in one sitting.
That’s some heart and soul right there.
(Via Sports Illustrated)