Spend Your Halloween Partying It Up At Terminus From ‘The Walking Dead’

If you happen to live near Georgia and haven’t sorted out your Halloween plans yet, may I offer up an interesting option? On Saturday October 31, there’s going to be a rager of a party on the set of The Walking Dead‘s Terminus. Yep, the “Sanctuary for all” where “Those who arrive survive” will go from cannibal headquarters and slaughterhouse to zombie rave!

The party is called Terror At Terminus: A Night To Dismember and is being held in conjunction with the Walker Stalker Zombie Convention in Atlanta on the same weekend. Here’s how promoters are describing it:

With two stages of undead music, DJ’s mixing your dance tunes on a massive dance floor, a $5000 costume contest, appearances by cast members of the show and our very own Bob-A-Que, Terror at Terminus will be the place to be this Halloween. This is your only chance to visit this historic site, see some of the most iconic sets from the show and enjoy one hell of a Halloween party in the process.

Walking Dead tourists have been making the trip to Terminus since its appearance in season four of the show. It’s located about five minutes south of downtown Atlanta and according to reviews on sightseeing website RoadsideAmerica.com it’s “Not in the best neighborhood – keep your car running while you get a quick photo – I emphasize quick photo….”

But what would a visit to Terminus be without a little bit of danger? With a party this size, I’m sure things will be safe … just make sure to leave your car in an appropriate spot.

“Shoulda paid the 10 bucks to park in the fenced lot.”