J.J. Watt Has Some Very Important Thoughts About Being Famous And Dating

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Apparently, even tall, handsome professional athletes have trouble dating. Or, at the very least, Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt has trouble dating. Or, maybe he just doesn’t want to, which is also fine. Either way, Watt is living the single life. In an incredibly well-done profile by NFL media, Watt described his dating life…or lack thereof. At some point, Watt would like to settle down, but it’s not happening anytime soon:

“People [I know] think that I’ve never dated before, or whatever,” Watt says. “But I’m trying. I’m trying. I’m just unsuccessful. My schedule’s so crazy and life’s so busy, it just hasn’t worked.”

Does he get lonely? “Yeah,” he says. “Trust me, I would love to have a wife and kids. I would very much enjoy that. But I also know that you have to be in the right place to do that. You have to find the right situation, and you have to be in that right mindset where you can give everything you have to that. Because whatever I do, I want to be the best at. I want to be the best husband. I want to be the best father. And I need to make sure that I have figured out the proper balance in my life so that I can give the proper time and energy that’s needed for that situation.”

That makes sense. It’s well-documented that Watt is extremely devoted to his craft and career. Though some might have thought his dedication to staying late after practices on “Hard Knocks” was little more than an act, John McClain of the Houston Chronicle believes otherwise:

When you train and practice as much as Watt does, that leaves little time for anything else. At 26 years old, Watt’s similar to a lot of younger, career-minded people. He just happens to be filthy rich and famous for playing a game.

So maybe he’s not that similar.

Regardless, Watt has a spot-on perspective about what’s important to him, and what’s important to him right now is football. He’ll concentrate on that first and leave everything else in his life to be decided later. After all, trying to balance a healthy personal life with a high-profile professional has its issues:

You don’t know who wants you for you, who wants you for the money, who wants you for the fame. You have no idea. And how would you know? There’s no way. So that’s why you try and rely on family and friends. And then you talk about celebrities with other celebrities … someone who’s in a similar situation, so you know that they already have money and fame.

But you can’t think about love on paper like that. If you’re thinking like that — Does this person want me for me? — then you’re gonna have a hell of a hard time falling in love, ’cause you’re constantly thinking about what they look like on paper. Trust me, it’s a lot more difficult than I wish it was — but I’m sure hoping to find the right one.

Hey, when you’re young and successful, it’s easy for work to take top priority. Best not to force the personal stuff unless you’re absolutely sure of it.

(Via NFL.com)