Rainbow Doritos Have Arrived, The Internet Reacts


The Good: Doritos has teamed up with the It Gets Better Project and is now offering Doritos Rainbows. Don’t try looking for them in the chip aisle of your local grocery store, though—they’re only offered for sale through the It Gets Better website, with a donation of $10 or more. The best part: Doritos isn’t looking to make a profit off this venture at all. 100 percent of the proceeds go to the charity. As the website states, “DORITOS® supports the bold lives our fans lead—all of them.”

The Bad: Yes. Doritos Rainbows. As in, Joseph and the Technicolor Corn Chips. It’s neat that Doritos is doing such a charitable thing here, but do we really need our chips to be candy-hued? With regards to the taste, apparently the chips are Cool Ranch-flavored.

The…Interesting: If there is a wrinkle to this partnership, it’s the whole ironic unnaturalness of the neon chips. Because isn’t that where the whole debate on homosexuality began? Then again, maybe this is exactly the intent of the whole campaign…hmm…

The internet, of course, is having a heyday with the announcement. Comments on the ad Doritos posted on their Instagram account earlier today range from “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!” (@the_spaghetti_addict69) to “omg what” (@reagangarnerr) to “Im against it. Hate me how much you want. But its my Oppinion and not you’re.” (@w0lf_b)

Twitter, too, has a lot to say about this new creation:





And, perhaps the best, most self-conscious tweet of all:

Hi, friend. Enjoy those chips and the quest for equality that they represent!