Amber Rose Broke Down Crying At The LA #SlutWalk Over Kanye West’s Disses

On Saturday, Amber Rose led the first LA #SlutWalk, which hoped to combat gender issues such as sexual injustice, victim blaming, and various derogatory labels. Amber has faced plenty of criticism about her own image over the years, and she owns up to her past as a teenage stripper. Like many girls, she felt pushed into the profession due for financial reasons, and Amber wants to erase the stigma and name-calling that has followed her for her entire life.

Most recently, Wiz Khalifa branded Amber as just “a stripper” after their divorce proceedings, but he didn’t have a problem with marrying a stripper. Amber also dealt with slut shaming from Kanye West, who memorably told The Breakfast Club, “It’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that was with Amber Rose … I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim [Kardashian].” Again, Kanye is not known for his Puritan lifestyle.

During the #SlutWalk, Amber’s mom held up this sign, telling Kanye “F*ckYo30Showers.”

During the walk — which featured several hundred scantily-clad women — Amber broke down crying while telling her audience how hurt she was by both Wiz and Kanye’s words. Amber says she forgives the two rappers, but as TMZ reports, “the hand-wringing tells a different story.”

Here are more photos of Amber and pals at the #SlutWalk. Good on ya, lady.