Donald Trump Will Live Tweet CNN’s Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate

With all of the attention that has been focused on the Republican race for the party’s presidential nomination, we’ve almost forgotten everyone who is running on the Democratic side. Short of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, though, it’s borderline impossible to name any of the other candidates who don’t stand a chance because of Clinton and Sanders, but we’ll finally get a refresher course on Tuesday night when CNN welcomes them all to Las Vegas for the Democratic presidential candidate debate. That’s right, Las Vegas! CNN is even using the slogan “What happens in Vegas…” because there’s something oddly fitting about people arguing about America’s financial struggles in a city that robs people blind.

A lot of people have pointed out that this debate will be boring and pointless, especially since CNN is basically begging Joe Biden to show up and be America’s cool uncle. More than anything, though, without Donald Trump on hand to make stupid faces and insult everyone except for his BFF Ben Carson, what’s the point in watching political business as usual? Fortunately, The Donald was up bright and early to tell his legion of loyal followers that he will, in fact, live-tweet the Democratic debate:

He’s also quite pleased with the immediate response from everyone in the media that hangs on his every word.

Sure, Trump is proud of himself for this (and everything else he does), but if he really wanted to steal every last headline for the next two weeks, he’d actually show up and steal the spotlight from whoever the other candidates are. Let’s not count that out just yet.

For more on tonight’s debate between Clinton, Sanders, and those other people, anchors Tom Storey and Briana Lane weigh in on today’s episode of The Desk.