Here Are The Most Unimpressed Celebrity Reactions To The CNN Democratic Debate

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Las Vegas
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At Tuesday night’s CNN Democratic Debate, one major onstage ingredient was missing for entertainment’s sake. Fortunately, Donald Trump did not abandon his primary function. He may not have been onstage, but he sat at the comfort of his laptop and live-tweeted the debate because he missed the drama of the limelight.

Sadly, Trump’s tweets failed to make America great again. He was out-stupid-ed by Mike Huckabee, and perhaps Trump threw in the towel too early. He did take a moment to pass judgment on the Black Lives Matter question, but mostly, Trump reminded us that he’s more of a celebrity than a typical presidential candidate. He also called out the evening’s players.

Elsewhere, Bill Clinton watched and supported Hillary Clinton from the privacy of his Las Vegas hotel room. He’s a gambling man.

Several celebs took a brief moment to acknowledge the theater of politics.

A good chunk of celebrities could only see one candidate onstage.

Whereas Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t suppress her excitement for another.

Jared Leto kept it real and method like only Leto can do.

Michael Keaton didn’t limit himself to candidates. He praised Anderson Cooper for his mad moderating skills.

And of course, reactions included some shots at “good boy” Lincoln Chafee.