Michael J. Fox And Christopher Lloyd Discuss The ‘Back To The Future’ Tech That Became A Reality

All right, so it’s essentially a car commercial, but nowhere in this video are Toyotas actually featured. Plus, anytime we can get Doc Brown and Marty McFly in a room together, balloons should automatically be released from air-cars flying over every state’s capital.

Back to the Future nostalgia is in high demand: This year marks the 30th anniversary of the original film, and Oct. 21 (“Back to the Future Day”) is coming up fast. Toyota is leaking a series of snippets that feature BTTF’s lead actors — Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd — locked in a conversation discussing the film and the technology featured in it. On Oct. 21, the full Toyota-sponsored video will be released, and perhaps then, said balloons will indeed rain from the skies. Or maybe hoverboards (although that’s probably not a good idea).

That’s not the only film being released on “Back to the Future Day.” Back In Timethe Kickstarter-funded documentary about the series will also be released, featuring interviews with the cast and crew behind the beloved films. It’s really a great time to be an ’80s baby who grew up soaking in repeated viewings of Robert Zemeckis’ classic on Betamax.