Video: Ernie Banks Sang The Chorus Of ‘All The Way’ With Pearl Jam

For as much as I’ve written and joked about celebrity baseball fans in the past, there’s just no denying that what the Chicago Cubs lack in World Series trophies, they more than make up for with awesome famous people repping the C. Bill Murray alone should make many Cubs fans feel a little better about years of “Close but no cigar” and “Dear God, why is this happening to us?”, but Eddie Vedder, too? I’m actually very jealous of Cubs fans for that one.

Vedder, of course, is a lifelong Cubs fan and wrote the song, “All the Way” with Cub legend Ernie Banks as an inspiration, so imagine the surprise and delight of the packed house at Wrigley Field on Friday night when Mr. Cub himself joined Vedder on the stage at the Pearl Jam show to sing the song’s optimistic chorus. It’s like the exact opposite of Scott Stapp showing up to Marlins Park to perform, “Marlins Will Soar.”

If goosebumps were currency, I could buy the moon right now.