An Anatomically Correct Justin Bieber Dildo Could Soon Be A Reality

Need a gift that will embarrass the hell out of the True Belieber in your life? Clone-A-Willy is working on it. The sex toy company – whose product lets people turn their own penises into dildos for significant others and fraternity brothers – has offered Justin Bieber $1 million to advertise their product and make a mold of his penis.

The company sent a letter to Bieber outlining their offer and explaining their reasoning. The offer comes in the wake of pictures of Justin Bieber’s downstairs briefly breaking the internet.

Via the letter:

“Justin Bieber, he’s popular, talented and now as the entire world knows … quite well-endowed. You can only imagine … a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and “Clone-A-Willy” in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn’t hurt his “dating” life.”

Company representatives wrote that they thought the offer was fair for someone of Bieber’s “enormous stature” and then (presumably) winked so hard that they had a stroke.

It’s unlikely that Bieber will go through with the deal, given that he’s threatening lawsuits over the images. Maybe his dad can give him a nudge.

For more Bieber coverage that won’t make you need to clear your browser history, check out his new song “Sorry.”

(Via Jezebel)