New Promo For ‘The Flash’ Finally Reveals The Villain, Zoom, And He’s Horrifying

When Barry Allen and the gang finally met Jay Garrick in this season’s second episode of The Flash, the speedster from another Earth described the villainous Zoom as “an unstoppable demon with the face of death.” Unfortunately for those of us watching at home, however, the details of Zoom’s face have remained hidden behind a vibrating blur — much in the same way that Reverse-Flash disguised his face and voice for most of the first season.

Until now. It goes without saying, but there will be spoilers below.

In the new promo for next week’s “The Darkness and the Light,” The Flash finally reveals the non-blurry face of Earth Two’s Zoom, albeit with his mask still on. And that’s a good thing, because judging by what The CW was willing to let slip for a few short seconds, the second season’s main protagonist truly possesses the face of death. I mean, he looks batsh*t crazy and will probably haunt my dreams tonight.

What do you think of Zoom’s look? Is it everything you hoped it would be, or is it too tame for what the supervillain could have been? Considering that actor Tony Todd’s vocal chops give the character his demonic baritone voice, it makes sense that the physical appearance should be just as frightening.