Kate Bosworth Found Out That Emailing Taylor Swift For Tickets Works When You’re In The Squad

If you ever wondered what the perks of being in Taylor Swift’s squad could be, Kate Bosworth shared a few during her trip to Conan on Tuesday. Her and Swift are friendly and Bosworth wanted to treat her step daughter to a T-Swizzle concert in town. So to gain entry, Bosworth took a chance at emailing Swift to see if she could score some tickets to the show.

Normally you’d expect to get a reply at some point the next day, after the concert had ended. It’s typical and the least you could expect from a busy person like Taylor Swift. At least it’s what you’d expect from Taylor Swift if you were just a normal person who happened upon her email. Squad members get quick replies, free tickets, pacifiers with diamonds in em, the works.

Swift replied back within five minutes and invited Bosworth to the show, likely backstage and then onward to the after party. And it is likely that said after party featured plenty of girl talk, juice and then gift bags. Just the way a squad rolls. Meanwhile, me and my friends wound up at Taco Bell after a night of partying and ended up getting sick. Lovely.

(Via Team Coco)