Abbi And Ilana From ‘Broad City’ Reveal Their Amazing Halloween Costumes

Everyone’s favorite Brooklynites finally revealed what they are going as for Halloween. On the latest installment of the Broad City web series Hack Into Broad CityAbbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer are dressed up and ready to judge. The ever-creative comedy duo are going as Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Judge Judy for the holiday and, unsurprisingly, their outfits are perfection.

In addition to awesomely executed costumes, the ladies are committed to the side benefits of dressing up as judges. First of all, the robes are super comfortable and warm. More people should think about making that a priority instead of squeezing into spandex dresses and suits. Also, Abbi gets to spread the word about all of the important laws Ginsberg has passed in her career. Best of all, neither of them are going through the pain of wearing heels for hours on end while walking around the city. Actually, maybe that’s the second best part. Ilana also points out that her costume is perfect for airing out her…well, I’ll let her explain that one personally.

Does this give you inspiration for your own parties and costume contests? There are plenty of other Supreme Court Justices to take inspiration from, as long as you double check their politics before throwing on a robe and grabbing a gavel. Plus, if you get into any trouble with the law on Halloween night you can always try talking your way out of it by making some new laws up on the spot.

(via Vulture)