Louis C.K. Was Punched In The Face By A ‘Heckler’ For A Project He’s Working On (UPDATE: Maybe Not)

Louis C.K. providing the voice of the Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed Monstrosity on Disney XD’s excellent Gravity Falls should have been the most exciting thing to happen to him this week. Nope. While performing a standup set at New York’s Comedy Cellar, where his FX series Louie often begins, he was confronted by a pissed-off heckler and punched in the face. Or was he?

Have a look.

That doesn’t look particularly forceful, and Louis can be heard yelling “cut.” Normally, I’d assume it’s a scene from Louie, but it’s on hiatus, and why would someone on set be allowed to record the encounter? That’s a pretty big nope. It could also be viral marketing, but Louis doesn’t seem like a guy who’s interested in breaking the internet (besides, we’ve already seen him naked).

I hope it’s ADR for The Secret Life of Pets. What are dogs if not disgruntled standup comedians? Here’s another angle, via Death and Taxes.

Fat Louis could have taken him. But newly skinny Louis? I dunno.

UPDATE: It turns out that there’s a good explanation for all of this, after all. It wasn’t Louis C.K. The Hamilton Spectator points out that comedian Patrick Coppolino has been retweeting many of the stories about the incident (including ours), and recently posted a tweet of himself in costume as Louis CK. So it appears we, along with a decent sized chunk of the Internet, were had. Well played, Patrick.

(Via Death and Taxes)

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