Ariana Grande Stood Up Against A Body-Shamer Who Called Her A ‘Stick’

Ariana Grande is ‘Breaking Free’ from people body-shaming her. The “Problem” singer has distinguished herself as an important feminist in pop music, and on Monday, she took a stand against misogyny in the form of body-shaming on Twitter. She saw a tweet from a user who said he would prefer Modern Family actress Ariel Winter’s body to Grande’s because Winter’s “curves are sexy” and Grande being a “stick” is not.

Ariana responded with a tweet that was all for loving yourself, embracing diversity, and celebrating yourself and others. “We live in a day and age where people make it IMPOSSIBLE for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are,” Grande says, “Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy! You know what is NOT sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming!!!”

Ariana received support from Winter, who backed up the singer by tweeting, “Women should empower one another. Celebrate each other — you’re all beautiful.”

Recently, Grande took two New York radio DJs to task for asking dumb and sexist questions to the singer during an interview. As she releases her new album this winter, she will be asked many questions during the press tour to promote it. This is a warning to all who interview her: Be careful with your words around Ari or else she will, rightfully, shut you down.

(via Mashable)