Michael Keaton Is Pretty Darn Sure Batman Could Defeat Every Superhero (Including The Hulk)

Michael Keaton and Mark Ruffalo star in the upcoming Spotlight as investigative journalists who dig into the Catholic church’s history of abuse at all costs. While promoting the film, some lighter subjects have pushed to the forefront. That is, Keaton and Ruffalo had a chuckle over how they’ve both embodied superheros. Ruffalo, of course, plays The Hulk in the Marvel stable of Avengers films. Keaton played the superior (yes, I said it) incarnation of Batman in two Warner Bros. movies.

The very opinionated Keaton sat down with ABC Radio to throw down his final say on a certain subject. He had some good-natured fighting words about who would win in a fight against Batman. Keaton’s answer? No one:

“Everyone needs to stop asking the question of who could beat up who. Batman kicks everybody’s a**. And if they won’t, I will, Bruce Wayne will.”

Notice that Keaton did not even mention Ben Affleck’s upcoming portrayal of Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Batman v. Superman flick. No one really knows how Batfleck will perform, and Keaton didn’t have to go there anyway. Why? Because Keaton knows, “I’m Batman.” He’s correct, but none of this chest puffing matters too much because people will watch these movies regardless. It’s also entertaining to watch the turf wars between grown men who dress up in costumes. Could Batman defeat The Hulk? Anything is possible in the world of fiction.

(Via ABC Radio)