Charlyne Yi Does A Delightfully Weird (And Also Totally Spot On) Turtle Impression

Charlyne Yi stopped by Conan this week to promote her new book, Oh the Moon, where she obliged the red-haired host by doing some impressions. Apparently Yi has auditioned for Saturday Night Live on more than one occasion, but her celebrity impressions of George Bush and Tracy Morgan, which she demonstrates, were maybe not quite up to snuff.

If her turtle impression, on the other hand, wasn’t enough to get her hired, then clearly it’s Saturday Night Live’s loss. After procuring a place of lettuce for her to eat off of, Conan and Andy absolutely lose it as Yi gets her chomp on just like a hungry turtle.

Here’s an actual turtle eating lettuce, for reference sake:

Uncanny, no? Hell, if I didn’t know any better I’d have thought there were two of them.