Floyd Mayweather Jr. Used 50 Cent’s Instagram To Taunt Ronda Rousey After Her Loss

floyd mayweather
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After Ronda Rousey’s shocking upset at the hands and feet of Holly Holm at UFC 193 on Saturday, the haters have come out of the woodwork to kick her while she’s down. It’s not exactly fair, but it’s what happens when a noted trash-talker finally gets taken down.

First, it was Laila Ali who told TMZ: “In order to be the best in the world, you definitely don’t EVER get beat up like that in your prime, period.” (We’re pretty sure Ronda’s offer is still on the table, Laila.)

Now, another one of Rousey’s nemeses, Floyd Mayweather Jr., has decided to weigh in, only this time through much, much less direct means than a quote on the record. This photoshop came up on rapper 50 Cent’s Instagram account on Sunday:


If you don’t recognize that image, it’s from the upsetting scene in Rocky IV when Ivan Drago kills Rocky’s friend Apollo Creed in the ring. Rousey’s been photoshopped in Apollo’s place, with 50’s caption reading, “LMAO FLOYD TOLD ME TO POST THIS ?, he want me to do the dirty work.? [branding hashtags]”

Okay, this is horrifically lame for a couple of reasons. First of all, you can’t even use your own Instagram account, Mayweather? You’re still that scared of Rousey? Secondly, if 50 Cent really is your lackey to carry out social media trash talk, at least make him toe the company line. He’s a disgruntled lackey! He’s not even proud to post that crappy meme in Floyd’s name. We know Rousey got knocked out, but come on, Floyd. Her losing doesn’t mean you won.

Now Watch: Ronda Rousey’s Loss To Holly Holm By The Numbers