Was This Steven Adams Block The Easiest In The History Of The NBA?

This is a dumb question, since “easy” is totally subjective. What we do know it was relatively simple for seven-foot New Zealand native, Steven Adams, to swat this Rodney Hood attempt during Monday night’s 111-89 Thunder win in Salt Lake City.

That’s because Hood had just dove on the floor for the loose ball and attempted to throw a hook up on the rim after almost losing possession. But Adams is waiting, and it’s a bit like playing nerf basketball with your tiny cousin:


Whether it’s the easiest ever, as the YouTube title claims, is obviously up for debate. It’s the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, or else we might spend the next few hours going into a YouTube/NBA.com rabbit-hole to try and find out.

Instead, we’ll just say that Craig Bolerjack’s — we think it’s Craig, though we can’t be sure since we don’t watch Root Sports that much — assessment of Adams’ defense as “smothering,” totally made us snort some water onto our keyboard.

Turkey Day can’t come soon enough.