The Walking Lulz: The Internet’s Best Memes And GIFs From The ‘Walking Dead’ Episode Seven

Warning: Walking Dead Spoilers Ahead

Welcome back to The Walking Lulz, our weekly collection of The Walking Dead memes, GIFs, and other hilarity. And welcome back to Glenn, who was indeed hiding under the dumpster for these past few weeks. Not like we didn’t know… at a certain point, all that “What happened to Glenn???” spazzing was just people who knew Glenn survived getting annoyed they had to wait so long to be proven right.

Now that’s over and we can have a quiet week until next week’s mid-season finale/ritual important cast member killing freak out. Until then… the memes!

That’s it for this week’s Walking Lulz. Lots of great stuff this week from The Ricky Grimes and Crazy Rick Grimes (not related) and the folks from the Walking Dead subreddit. These posts literally wouldn’t exist without the hard work of memers like them! Check back next week for the mid-season finale spectacular, and then prepare for a whole lotta nothing til the show returns mid-winter.

But don’t worry too much: You can always go through our archive of Walking Dead memes or check out our Game of Thrones memes. That should cover three hours between now and The Walking Dead returning. What you do with the rest of that time is up to you.