‘The Wire’ Actor And Baltimore Drug Kingpin ‘Little’ Melvin Williams Dies At 73


‘Little’ Melvin Williams, one of the most prolific drug kingpins in Baltimore history, died after a battle with cancer Thursday at the age of 73. Williams ruled the drug trade in Baltimore during the 60’s and 70’s before serving time in prison for a litany of drug and gun charges. While in prison, Williams reformed his ways and devoted his life to God upon release. According to his obituary in the Baltimore Sun,

“He became the symbol of crime problems in the city, whether he wanted to or not,” former Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke said. “In his later years, he tried to improve himself and help the community.”

Mr. Williams explained his epiphany to U.S. District Judge Marvin J. Garbis during a court appearance in 2003:

“Sometime in my I became aware that there was a God in charge, and not a Melvin,” he said. At that point, he had served nearly four years on a handgun conviction.

Melvin Williams went on to assist David Simon with details and background for hit HBO show The Wire, eventually being offered the role of the deacon on the show. After his acting stint, Williams returned to Baltimore and opened a flea market while providing guidance to the surrounding area’s youth. He will surely be missed on the streets of Baltimore, but his presence will always live on with the enduring existence of The Wire. 

(Via the Baltimore Sun)