Is This Definitive Proof That The Redskins Run A Controversial Fan Account?

dan snyder
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It’s common knowledge that the Washington Redskins are likely behind one of its alleged fan accounts, @RedskinsFacts. There have been a few things written that link the team to the account, but there’s never been any 100 percent concrete proof, like, say, the team’s official account and the fan account tweeting out the same thing at the same time, word for word.

Well, at least not until Sunday afternoon, when during the team’s game against Chicago, both accounts sent out the exact same tweet.

Via Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post:

According to the site, “ is a growing online community of passionate Washington Redskins fans and others who support the team’s use of its name and logo.” While it never explicitly says that the site is or is not affiliated with the team, the implication from that seems to be that it’s run by fans and the team doesn’t involve itself with the group.

And hey, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the team runs the account. Perhaps two completely separate people had the exact same idea for a tweet at the exact same time and tweeted the exact same thing as one another. Maybe the person who runs the official Redskins’ account was doing a favor for the person who runs the RedskinsFacts account on Sunday and they just got their wires crossed.

Or, maybe, the RedSkins just run their own fan account. Honestly that seems like the most plausible scenario.