UPROXX 20: Elderly Japanese Men Will Give Caroline Sunshine Their Umbrellas In A Rainstorm

Caroline Sunshine is an actress probably best known for playing Tinka Hessenheffer in the Disney Channel original series Shake It Up and for playing Barbara Winslow in the film Marmaduke. Currently, she stars as Emily Jordan in the The Outfield, which is currently available on iTunes.

Caroline was nice enough to take a few minutes out of her busy schedule recently to answer a few questions from us.

1. You walk into a bar. What do you order from the bartender?

Ginger ale.

2. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter and/or Instagram?

The TSA. They post photos of all the bizarre stuff people try to bring through airports. Equally terrifying and entertaining.

3. What’s currently waiting for you on your DVR?

Law & Order SVU.

4. It’s your last meal — what are you going out with?

Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, and a Blizzard from Dairy Queen.

5. What websites do you visit on a regular basis?

Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Amazon, and YouTube.

6. What’s the most frequently played song on your mobile device?

“You Shook Me All Night Long” — AC/DC.

7. The first face that comes to mind when you think “punchable?”

Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones.

8. What’s the last thing you googled?

“Stanford marching band.”

9. Dogs or cats?


10. Best concert of your life was…?


11. What book are you most likely to give as a gift?

Democracy in America — Alexis de Tocqueville.

12. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

I was in Kyoto, Japan, and it was pouring rain. I did not have an umbrella. An elderly man was standing outside his home and raised his hands motioning me to stop. He ran inside and came out with an umbrella. He didn’t want any money, and I told him I wasn’t going to be able to return it, but he insisted I take it and keep it.

13. South Park or Family Guy?

Family Guy.

14. You have an entire day to do whatever you want. What would you do?

Become a mermaid and swim with dolphins all day.

15. What movie can you not resist watching if it’s on?

Saving Private Ryan.

16. The sports team or teams you’re most passionate about?

Notre Dame for college football and the Angels for baseball. God bless baseball and football pants. They are for men what push up bras are for women.

17. Where did you eat the best meal of your life?

Eli’s Table in Charleston, South Carolina.

18. The last movie you saw in a theater?

Bridge of Spies. I still love going to a movie theater to see a film. It’s an experience.

19. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Ryan Seacrest.

20. What would you cook if Nic Cage was coming to your house for dinner?

The best homemade tacos Nic Cage has ever had. And then we would go steal the Declaration of Independence.

PREVIOUSLY: Sean Donnelly