Andre Iguodala Took Revenge On His Incompetent Uber Driver In A Very Special Way

Full disclosure: I’ve never used Uber. I live in a town (Portland, Ore.) that’s fought tooth-and-nail to make the ride share company’s continued existence in our city untenable in a variety of ways, albeit unsuccessfully. Thus, Uber has quickly overtaken 60 percent of the taxi market, of which I have several friends who either previously or currently drive cabs for said taxi companies, and I’d be remiss if I succumb to the multi-billion dollar start-up’s services.

If I ever need a ride, I can usually phone a cab driver friend, and if he’s not available, I’ll just grab a Car2Go. That’s partially because, for all of its many conveniences, there are legitimate reasons to be wary of Uber, not the least of which is personal safety. General competence is another factor, which is an issue Golden State Warriors star Andre Iguodala apparently ran into Monday night during an Uber trip.

Although it’s unclear exactly what his qualms were with that particular driver and/or the services rendered, Iggy expressed his displeasure in one of the most hilarious passive-aggressive ways possible for his captive audience.

So there you have it, Uber drivers. Don’t try to take the 2015 NBA Finals MVP the long way around or you might be airing your car out for weeks afterward.