Kim Kardashian And Kanye West First ‘Really Connected’ When She Was Dressed As ‘Slave Leia’

Many women, from Tina Fey to Alyssa Milano, have put on Princess Leia’s gold bikini from Return of the Jedi, which, in the immortal words of Carrie Fisher, “a giant slug [forced] me to wear… and then I killed him because I didn’t like it.” But only one has met her future-husband/rap icon while filming a failed pilot for a television show about randy puppets while wearing it.

That woman: Kim Kardashian. That future-husband/rap icon: Kanye West. That failed pilot: Alligator Boots. In 2008, West and “Jesus Walks” co-writer Rhymefest, with help from the Crank Yankers guys, pitched a hip-hop Muppet Show to Comedy Central, where nothing is as it seems and puppets named Beary White hit on Kim Kardashian while she was dressed as Princess Leia.

It was not well received. I can’t imagine why.

There was doggie-style puppet sex, full-frontal puppet nudity, and oddly enough, a BDSM scene where Ye’s tied up and gagged by a puppet dominatrix.

Alligator Boots also tackled racial equality, and [created] a Martin Luther King puppet for the “Not so Hot Moments in Black History” segment. “Last night I had another dream,” MLK puppet says, “and all the little black children and all the little white children all became giant black and white slugs who try to take over the Earth.” (Via)

The pilot unfortunately (?) wasn’t picked up, but it was an important moment in Kim and Kanye history, like when Anakin asked Amidala if she was an angel and she burned his house down (that’s how I remember it, at least). “We had met before this project,” she explained on her app, “but I would say this is when we first really connected.” I assume J.J. Abrams got his hands on the footage and thought to himself, “Hmm, a black Stormtrooper…?”

(Via New-Times)