Anthony Hopkins Regrets Reprising Hannibal Lecter Following ‘Silence Of The Lambs’

If you weren’t a fan of Hannibal or Red Dragon, the followups to 1991’s Academy Award winning The Silence Of The Lambs, you’re not alone. It would seem that Anthony Hopkins isn’t the biggest fan himself and regrets making the films.

The Wrap chatted with Hopkins at the Television Critics Association after the actor finished a panel for his Starz film The Dresser. The site asked if he would consider playing Hannibal Lecter again in another film, prompting the negative response:

“I did it once,” Hopkins told TheWrap of his iconic role. “Made the mistake of doing it twice — three times. ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ is okay. It was a good film.”

Asked whether he would ever play Lecter again, Hopkins said simply, “No.” When asked why not, he expressed his regret at having made 2001 sequel, “Hannibal,” and 2002 prequel, “Red Dragon.”

He then added, “I don’t want to do that. Done with that.”

Personally, I had no real issues with either film. They’re not as good as The Silence Of The Lambs, but they’re fun. Plus they’re no Hannibal Rising, which was not fun. Still, can’t blame him for not wanting to go back over the old role. Especially one that just featured a different take thanks to Mads Mikkelsen on Hannibal — making eating people look sinfully delicious for three seasons.

Still, seeing Hopkins try on those masks and perfect the role was nice. He made it his own for all that time.

(Via The Wrap)