Arcade Fire Will Lead A New Orleans Parade In Honor Of David Bowie

Tributes to David Bowie are still emanating forth, which is fitting for an artist who was as iconic and influential as the erstwhile Thin White Duke. Arcade Fire is a band clearly influenced by Bowie, in terms of music and artistry, and they indicated as much in a tribute they wrote on their Facebook page. However, their honoring of Bowie won’t end there, as they will be leading a David Bowie tribute parade down in New Orleans.

Arcade Fire will be joined by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band for this memorial parade for the once and future Ziggy Stardust. The parade will take place on Saturday, January 16, and the public is invited to come down and join them. The Instagram post from Arcade Fire’s Win Butler tells people to “Dress in your best Bowie outfit or something more strange,” so expect to see a lot of people dressed in weird clothes marching down the street with Arcade Fire and a jazz band. This will not make them standout in New Orleans at all, of course, so keep an eye out.

“That’s the way Bowie would want us to celebrate. With theater and tradition and music. He would want people out in the street dancing,” said Ben Jaffe, creative director of the Preservation Hall. While he may not actually be able to speak to Bowie’s true wishes, joyous funeral parades of celebration are as commonplace as warning gators down in the Big Easy, and Bowie is certainly deserving of having his life celebrated.

The only thing that would be better is if this second line could happen in outer space.
