This Mom’s Awesome ‘Star Wars’ Mural Is Taking Over The Internet

Emily Rose is an artist who enjoys painting a mural every year for each of her kids. They tend to focus on her children’s geekier interests, and her daughter had one subject in mind for this year’s mural:

Yep, Rey and BB-8 get their due on this little girl’s wall, and she was overjoyed. Apparently Rose’s daughter has been obsessed with Rey ever since she saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and the mural was an obvious choice. Standing out in particular is the detail that went into it, right down to BB-8’s decals:

Each mural is a family project, and the kids pitch in on the broader paint strokes. Needless to say, combining adorable children and a beloved film franchise has made the internet explode, and even internet trolls are too overwhelmed by it to be jerks about the whole thing.

Somewhat lost in the mix are the pretty cool murals Rose has done elsewhere around the house, but it seems likely we’ll be hearing more about her art skills in the coming days. Rose mentioned that she’s starting work on a Link mural for her son, and a Supergirl mural for her daughter. Now of course the only question is whether she works on commission, and whether you can sneak her murals past your landlord.

(Via 9GAG)