Michael J. Fox Is Returning To TV

That commotion you feel, that’s dozens of executives literally shaking in excitement at the prospect of snagging Michael J. Fox’s return to TV. According to Vulture, the Back to the Future star is “readying his return to prime-time series television” after recent successes in The Good Wife and Curb Your Enthusiasm in a series “inspired by [his] own life.” If it were anyone else, I’d be groaning about the prospect of another “fictionalized version of one’s self” show, but because Fox, not to mention director Will Gluck (Easy A) and writer Sam Laybourne (Arrested Development, Cougar Town), is attached, I believe “yay” is the appropriate response.

Here’s the full Vulture write-up:

Michael J. Fox is readying a return to prime-time series television, and the broadcast networks are lining up to welcome him back. Vulture hears the iconic star of Family Ties and the Back to the Future trilogy has teamed with director Will Gluck (Easy A) and writer Sam Laybourne (Cougar Town, Arrested Development) on a single-camera comedy project that’s being developed by Sony Pictures Television for a 2013 launch.

We’re still trying to track down plot details, but our sources tell us the show will be inspired by Fox’s own life. All four major network chiefs have heard the pitch, and two industry sources — using phrases such as “feeding frenzy” and “bidding war” — tell us it’s now just a matter of which network will offer the most attractive deal to Fox, Gluck, and Sony. Our spies say the project will, at the very least, get an automatic pilot production commitment; there’s even industry buzz about one network offering to go straight to series, something that hardly ever happens in broadcast TV anymore. (Via)

Hopefully he can get Christopher Lloyd to play “Christopher Lloyd,” who is really just regular Christopher Lloyd.
