Weekend Preview: The Return of Television's Sexiest Political Aide

Boss (Starz, Friday 10 p.m.) — Season Two Premiere. Boss is a great political drama anchored by the blistering performance of Kelsey Grammer and, save for the final scene, last season was one hell of an enjoyable series to watch. Unfortunately, nobody watches it, but I’m guessing in a couple of years, when everyone catches up on it on Netflix, there’s going to be a lot of folks disappointed that it was canceled too soon. Plus, Kathleen Robertson (see above).

Breaking Bad (AMC, Sunday 10 p.m.) — There’s only three episodes left, which is probably two more episodes than Landry will live, right? What’s up with all the Pacino movies, though? If Vince Gilligan is trying to foreshadow an ending, I hope it’s not Scent of a Woman, which leaves Walter White blind, yelling Hoo-Wa, and hanging out with prep school kids.

Real Time with Bill Maher, Friday 10 p.m.) — Bill Maher returns tonight, and just in time, as the political season has taken a decidedly ugly turn this last week.

Copper (BBC America, Sunday 10 p.m.) — Hey! I reviewed this earlier today. I don’t have high hopes, but it’s worth a shot.

Political Animals (USA Network, Sunday 10 p.m.) — First season finale. Will this be the night that Carla Gugino finally takes it all off in an effort to ensure renewal? Please?

Newsroom (HBO, Sunday 10 p.m.) — I thought last week’s episode was the most even one yet. There were no huge melodramatic moments, barely any repurposing, and there was great storyline coursing through the episode, which continues with part two Sunday.