50 Cent’s SMS Audio Acquires KonoAudio

With SMS Audio, of which he will serve as CEO, 50 Cent adds another enterprise to his already-established resume of successful businesses, investments and merchandise. Immediate plans include launching a complete line of headphones and audio accessories developed under the music magnate’s creative direction.

50 Cent’s contribution to overall design and quality control will be paramount. “I’m eager for my fans to hear my music the way it was intended – the way it was mastered in the studio,” 50 said. “The acquisition of KonoAudio will enhance our ability to bring the absolute, highest-caliber audio products to the market.”

“I am excited to be part of the SMS Audio brand and believe in the forward-thinking nature and quality commitment of the company,” said Nohe. “KonoAudio has made significant investments in the areas of product development and branding resources and I am proud to bring that experience to SMS Audio. The businesses make a great combination.”

Should, “Beats by Dre,” be worried?