Cassidy ft. Jomo K. Johnson – Amazing Grace (Cassidy Will Collaborate With A Pastor)

Platinum Selling Philadelphia Hip Hop Artist Cassidy, has agreed to work with GGIS Publishing to create a Book Biography and Music E.P. Cassidy and Pastor Jomo K. Johnson of Philly Open Air Church, will team up to create the first Rapper/Pastor Hip Hop Music Collaboration.

Cassidy is also working with GGIS to create his Book Biography. Cassidy has an amazing testimony of finding Christ during his incarceration, a near-fatal car accident, and a commitment to make positive change in his life. (Release date: April 30th, 2013.)

Cassdiy goes from, “Condom Style,” to, “Amazing Grace,” off of the soundtrack for his book, “Behind the B.A.R.S. The Autobiography of Cassidy.”