Jeezy Speaks On Being The Multicultural Advisor For Avión Tequila

Jeezy, as the Multicultural Advisor to Ken, what are a few insights you can share about the consumer to help Avión reach the multicultural audience?

Don’t let Ken fool you. He understands multicultural consumers better that he lets on. He grew up working for everything that he has, which is something people love and can relate to. His determination and drive comes from him never receiving a handout and working from the bottom up. Consumers love brands they can put a face to, relate to and that genuinely care about them. If you stay true to your roots, which Ken has, it’s easier for consumers to see that authenticity behind a brand. People want the best in quality and luxury and they want a brand that shows them love and respect. And because of this, Avion is a natural choice. This is the reason I was originally drawn to the brand even before I met Ken. This consumer is all about celebrating life, friends and family, which Avion does.

Jeezy, how do you think you can be part of that growth? How can you sustain the growth you’ve had?

I look forward to helping the brand to grow by providing Ken with advice regarding the multicultural community and by continuing to keep Avion as part of my lifestyle, just as I did before. My fans have come to know that I’m not about the check and I don’t say things that I don’t mean and because of this authenticity they trust me. I will never betray that trust.

Full Story: Forbes