Aziz Ansari Pulled Back The Curtain To Tyrese’s Insane Private Backyard ‘Benihana’ Setup, ‘GibsiHana’

A little backstory, here: Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter, actor, author, producer, and former model Tyrese Gibson likes the restaurant “Benihana” so much that he had one built into his backyard, which he named GibsiHana. Obviously. What else would any hibachi-loving person with buckets of spare money lying around do? GibsiHana even has its own Facebook page, despite not even remotely being accessible to the general public.

At any rate, nearly three years ago, Aziz Ansari was made aware of this fact, and it immediately became his life dream to someday dine at GibsiHana:

He even mentioned GibsiHana in passing in his 2015 relationship book, Modern Romance:

Well, as it turns out, dreams do come true, because a week ago, Ansari and Andy Samberg along with the other members of The Lonely Island finally got that chance, in celebration of Ansari’s Critic’s Choice Award. From the looks of it, it was a truly magical evening, as evidenced by the various glimpses on Instagram:

Oh, and Tyrese also apparently has his own rooftop spa (as well as personal, on-site Starbucks) because of course he does:

Thanks to Ansari and crew for giving a peek, because Tyrese Gibson’s private backyard Benihana is something us mere mortals can only dream of.