Weekend Preview: Will ‘Breaking Bad’ Give Us Another Glimpse Of The Future?

Breaking Bad (AMC, Sunday 10 p.m.) — The fifth summer season finale airs on Sunday, which means no more Breaking Bad for a while. I’m hoping it returns in the Spring, but most anticipate it won’t be back to finish out the series until next summer. I have no idea what’s going to happen in this episode, but there’s two things you can likely bet your house on: 1) There will be another glimpse of the flash-forward, and 2) however the episode ends, it will likely give us a lot to talk about for the next many months.

Small Town Security (AMC, Sunday 11 p.m.) — First season finale. Honestly, think about it really hard: Has there EVER been a bigger disparity in quality between one show (Breaking Bad) and the one that follows it (Small Town Security). This show has been like one giant joke, and maybe the worst possible job of programming on AMC’s part. Given the perfect opportunity to launch a gritty, complex show, they blow it on … a reality show about a bumbling security force.

Hoarding: Buried Alive (TLC, Sunday 9 p.m.) — I watched half an episode of Hoarders once (and I assume this is a direct rip-off), and I spent the next three hours cleaning my basement. Never again.

Weeds (Showtime, Sunday 10 p.m.) — STILL not the series finale? How long are they going to drag this damn season out?

Doctor Who (BBC America, Saturday 9 p.m.) — The only show I’m almost as excited about as Breaking Bad, the seventh season kicks off with the return of the Daleks, who are expected to be angrier than ever. I’m just so sad that the show is working its way toward ridding my television of Karen Gillan’s legs.

College Football: Ohio State vs. Penn State (ESPN, Saturday noon) — College football returns on Saturday, and while the ABC matchup on Saturday Night (Alabama vs. Michigan) is probably the best of the weekend, the post-Paterno storyline of this game is likely the most compelling.

Also, have a great holiday weekend, folks.