The First Footage Of Bizarro Girl Fighting ‘Supergirl’ Is Here

In “Blood Bonds,” the first Supergirl episode of 2016, the villainous Maxwell Lord (Peter Facinelli) gave viewers a preview of his latest project — a hospital bed-ridden woman who, according to, was listed as “Comatose Woman.” The actress who played her, Hope Lauren, also made an appearance in a subsequent episode, but did nothing more than lay idly by in her gurney while Hank Henshaw/J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood) tried to remove her from Lord’s facility. J’onzz’s ruse didn’t work, but audiences knew they’d see the so-called comatose girl again.

Sure enough, Lord’s very own Supergirl clone — dubbed “Bizarro Girl” by Lauren’s new designation on — will be the focus of next week’s episode, “Bizarro.” The show’s YouTube channel and Twitter account released an early promo for the twelfth episode on Wednesday, and boy does it live up to what executive producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed back in December.

According to the official synopsis released by CBS on Tuesday:

“Bizarro” — Kara faces off against her mirror image when Bizarro (Hope Lauren), a twisted version of Supergirl, sets out to destroy her. Also, Kara grows closer with Cat’s son, Adam (Blake Jenner), on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Feb. 1 (8:02-9:01 PM) on the CBS Television Network.

How episode writers Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Rachel Shukert incorporate the comic book origins of Bizarro Supergirl/Bizarro-Girl into the Supergirl narrative won’t be known until “Bizarro” airs next week. Until then, fans will just have to satisfy themselves with the fact that two super-powered female badasses will be going toe-to-toe on prime-time television.

Also, Bizarro Girl breathes fire, so there’s that.