Tim Tebow Dancing And Lip-Syncing ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ Can’t Be Unseen

If you’ve never seen the show Lip Sync Battle, it’s pretty much what you’d expect. A bunch of celebrities get together and not only lip-sync songs, but kinda sorta act out the theme of the song and/or otherwise impersonate the artist. One of the best examples of this is when Channing Tatum impersonated Beyonce and absolutely crushed it. (It helped that Bey made a surprise cameo during his performance, too.)

Anyway, it was Tim Tebow‘s turn the other night to lip sync and he chose “Eye of the Tiger” — he was battling actress, Nina Dobrev — of “Rocky” fame. In the preview, Tebow jump ropes like a freakin’ mad man, boxes and otherwise trains his way through the song Rocky Balboa style. Meanwhile, LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen, who host the show, seem like they’re digging it, but it’s hard to tell.

In fairness to Tebow, a 40-second clip might not do his whole performance justice. There could be a whole other part of the battle that we haven’t seen that blows everyone away. In what we can see, it’s a wonder Tebow isn’t completely out of breath trying to do a workout regimen while fake singing.

Anyway, I would say Tebow dropped the mic here, but instead he threw it into the audience, one-hopping it about four yards short of his intended target.

Well, that and there isn’t actually a mic.