Watch An Awkward Moment On ‘Good Morning America’ Involving Teabagging And Lizzy Caplan

This is how every good morning in America should start: with Lizzy Caplan discussing sexual acts, while a middle-aged woman in a yellow sweater linger uncomfortably close behind her. The stars of the new movie Bachelorette, Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, and Caplan, appeared on Good Morning America (NOW I get it) earlier today, and the topic of “teabagging” came up, as it so often does. Apparently GMA host Elizabeth Vargas had never heard the term before, because she is from the 1870s, but promised to later Ask Jeeves, er, Google the “tea—…what’s it called again? Bag tea? Coffeebagging? Ice-T? Ohhhhh, teabagging,” said Vargas 17 searches later. “Around here, we call that The Stephanopoulos.”

(Via Clip Nation)