Let’s Liveblog Tuesday’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Goes To Earth 2

After a season of talking about Earth 2 and showing us glimpses of it, The Flash is going all in and sending a team to an alternate reality. Unfortunately, that means they’ll run into an evil version of Firestorm, creatively calling himself Deathstorm, and Killer Frost, the supervillain they’ve been promising us since the end of the first season. Robbie Amell has also promised that Deathstorm will live up to his name, so we’ll have that waiting for us. Oh, and if that weren’t enough, Barry dresses like a total nerd on Earth 2, so that’ll be fun in and of itself. That’ll be tonight at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.

Meanwhile, in the best superhero show on TV:

Agent Carter has been brilliant this season, especially last week’s episode, which sharply contrasted the experiences of Peggy Carter and Whitney Frost, exploring why one’s a hero and one’s a villain. Never has a woman being told to smile been creepier, and it’s already pretty creepy.

And this week’s episode features a heist! Who doesn’t love a good heist story? Especially when the subject of the heist is a nuclear weapon? Of course, that raises the question of what Carter will do with it when she has it, but we’ll find out tonight at 9 p.m. EST on ABC. The fun starts tonight with The Flash; join us, won’t you?