Gregg Popovich’s Reaction To Hearing Donald Trump Won New Hampshire Couldn’t Be More Typical

Noted sideline interview enthusiast Gregg Popovich is always at his acerbic best when his team isn’t playing well. His already terse responses get honed to an even sharper edge when a hapless reporter puts in even less effort than usual, which is what TNT’s David Aldridge did Tuesday night after the first quarter of the Spurs-Heat game in Miami.

After getting exactly the type of responses you would expect to an inane and overused line of inquiry, Aldridge went for a Hail Mary and told Pop the results of the highly-anticipated New Hampshire primary. Upon hearing that Trump won on the Republican side, the Spurs coach stood transfixed for a moment, then simply shook his head in disbelief and solemnly walked away, which is the only reasonable response to such news.