Even John Oliver Is Making Fun Of Coldplay’s Super Bowl Halftime Performance

Reminder: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver finally returns this Sunday after its extended winter hiatus — as if it’s not bad enough it’s only on once a week, then they go and take three months off. At any rate, Oliver stopped by to chat with Seth Meyers about what’s been going on while they were off the air, and of course the big topic of conversation was this Sunday’s Super Bowl, which Oliver finds to be “the greatest thing to happen to a television all year.” As a Brit, he thinks the whole thing is fascinating, telling Meyers, “In most of the sports, the sport is the key appeal. And clearly that’s not the case with the Super Bowl.”

The discussion soon turned to Coldplay’s much LOL’ed halftime performance, and if you were thinking that — as a fellow Brit — Oliver might have some sympathy for Chris Martin and company, that is most definitely not the case. Oliver thought Coldplay’s involvement was just as mind-boggling as everyone else did, saying: “As a British person, I found the appearance of Coldplay slightly excruciating. Oh gentlemen, no. You are not what is required here.”

After railing on them for a few more minutes, he succinctly sums up the daytime performance as “sex with the lights on.” “Why not? Let’s just have the full horror of what’s unfolding here.” Welcome back, dude.

Now Watch: Here’s How The Internet Reacts To The Halftime Show