Netflix’s New Show ‘Beat Bugs’ Is A Kid-Friendly Introduction To The Beatles

My introduction to the Beatles was no different than most kids.’ My parents constantly played The White Album, Rubber Soul, and Revolver around the house and in the car, and eventually I started doing the same. These were technically complex songs that sounded simple to my naïve ears; mom and dad appreciated the cornucopia of household objects that can be heard in “Yellow Submarine,” while daughter and son laughed at the idea of a yellow submarine. It’s almost as if these Beatles knew what they were doing.

But if that sounds too complicated, here’s some CGI insects.

Netflix’s latest series is Beat Bugs, which according to Deadline, “incorporates songs from the Lennon/McCartney catalogue, to tell uplifting and life-affirming stories filled with hope and melody.” Beat Bugs will go the I Am Sam route and have other artists cover the Beatles’ songbook, including Eddie Vedder, Pink, James Bay, Sia, the Shins, Regina Spektor and Chris Cornell.

Creator Josh Wakely thought it would take him four months to get the rights to the songs; it took four years.

Each season will be presented as 13 half-hour pairings of 11-minute episodes that will each feature a Beatles tune (52 songs in all). Wakely, who has rights to about 300 in total, is ready for the possibility of additional seasons. (Via USA Today)

If there’s 52 songs a season, and Wakely has the rights to 300 Beatles songs, Beat Bugs can air for nearly six years without having to repeat a single track. Stay tuned for season six, when the Beat Bugs lay waste to Pepperland.

Might wanna dip into the Wonders’ catalogue before then.

(Via Deadline and USA Today)