This Bernie Sanders-Air Jordan Logo Mash-Up Is Beautiful

By now, you’ve probably seen the video of Bernie Sanders ballin’ outta control after his huge win in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night. Of course, the internet had to take it to its logical extreme, and the result was this glorious logo (and hopefully new campaign poster) featuring Sanders doing the iconic Jumpman pose.

The two aren’t as different as you might think. Both were born in Brooklyn, N.Y. and while Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the ’90s, Sanders similarly led his elementary school to a borough championship at one point during his youth. We jest, but the Democratic hopeful actually did go on to become a pretty good high school track star. All of these facts about Bernie Sanders’ existence and more have led to no uncertain amount of confusion and disbelief among the talking heads over at Fox News.

And if the 70-year-old senator from Vermont does somehow end up shocking the world and beating out Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination and then miraculously goes on to win the White House next November, then surely we’ll have to start calling him “The Michael Jordan” of something, won’t we?